Our good friend Andy, a passionate surfboard and SUP shaper, invited us on one of his mini adventures, and we couldn't wait to join.



Just a few miles from Andy's home lies the Westensee near Kiel, a picturesque lake that offered an abundance of nature and perfect opportunities for stand-up paddling. We packed up our gear, including a Kirra, a Tarp, camping equipment and much more, and loaded everything onto the SUP.




Andy led us through the eelgrass fields of Westensee as we slowly made our way north to where the lake empties into the Eider River, which flows directly into the Kiel Canal.





After a short stop, we found ourselves in the middle of the canal, surrounded by large container ships that frequented the canal for their deliveries. It was an impressive sight as we maneuvered our way between the ships.



Through the Kiel Canal we finally arrived directly in the Baltic Sea, more precisely in the Kiel Fjord. Here the vastness of the sea opened up to us and we suddenly felt very small against this impressive backdrop.




After a few more kilometers we discovered a secluded spot, perfect for our little camp. It was a rugged bluff, lined with fallen trees, and no human was to be seen far and wide. We set up our kirra and stowed our gear. With the driftwood that the ocean had washed up, we lit a warming fire and prepared the fish we had brought with us.


Kirra tent


Evening was falling and we enjoyed Andy's company while admiring the beautiful sunset over the Baltic Sea. The colors of the sky were reflected in the calm water and we were grateful for this unforgettable experience.




Then it was time to say goodbye. We thanked Andy for this mini adventure. On the way home, we thought about how important it is to explore and appreciate the nature that surrounds us. We knew that in the future we would go exploring more often to experience many more of such magical moments.